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For most, a must in a well-rounded outdoor space is a great Dining Set. A stylish table with comfortable chairs welcomes friends and family to share food and drink, and to linger over long stories and bad jokes! So often it is times like these that are the most cherished and coveted.Modern Adirondack Chairs with self storing ottomans allow you to kick back, relax, and watch the world float by in slow motion.Chair Hammocks tucked away in a quiet corner allow you to sit up and read (or enjoy a cocktail), or recline and watch the clouds or stars go by provide an escape to even the most stressed.Water Features bubbling away can create the white noise to block out...

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In the never-ending quest to find some form peace and calm in our busy lives you might want to consider a water feature. Some water features can be specifically for outdoor or indoor use, but many can be great for both. Think about starting with a small piece you have outdoors in the summer and then bring it indoors in the winter. Whether it is a pot style concrete vessel clad with beautiful Balinese river stone or slate, wall mounted, or free standing units with frames made from various metals having inserts of stone, glass, or mirror; the possibilities are numerous for any location.All of the water features we carry at Portico are completely self-contained. This means the unit has...

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