Tracy talks to Gabby Marchand of CTV Morning News Winnipeg in their segment "Help for Your Home" about some great colourful ideas for a Spring tablescapes. Click on link below to view:
It must be that time of year when we really need a pick-me-up. The days are short and the weather is cold (okay, unbearable) so it seems as though everything is a struggle to endure the latter part of winter.For some of the lucky ones, a warm vacay away is a welcome respite, but for the rest of us to muddle through sometimes it only takes a small "pick-me-up" to make a world of difference. Whether it be acquiring a new piece of artwork to brighten your space, a beautiful alpaca throw, a fragrant candle, or some perky and colourful florals; you will be amazed at how your home, office, and spirit can be uplifted! The fact that something is...