Plant Nanny is a self watering system for plants that is great for indoor or outdoor use. Always great at any time of year or any location it makes keeping plants alive easier.
In the spring and summer think of using the system at the home or cottage, in the yard, on the deck or patio. I especially like to use mine for hanging baskets that otherwise need constant watering; and always seem to get over or under watered –it really makes things simple.
For fall and winter the plant nanny not only allows your indoor plants to maintain consistent moisture level but also humidity.
It is comprised of two parts; one is a glass globe water reservoir that sits on top of a terra cotta stake. Once the terra cotta stake is inserted into the container it slowly dispenses the water relative to the conditions of the soil – the drier the soil the more water is released etc. Plant Nanny is available in two different sizes with two different globe sizes (12oz and 24oz). The small size stake comes with an adapter so you can use a plastic water bottle while the large stake is designed to also be able to use a wine bottle – and who doesn’t have at least one of those around?!
You can buy the stakes individually or in four packs and the starter set comes nicely boxed with one glass globe and a stake so it makes a perfect gift.
Once you try this product you will be hooked on it just like me!